Resource Backends

Backends for resource storage

Resource Storage Backend

KBS stores confidential resources through a StorageBackend abstraction specified by a Rust trait. The StorageBackend interface can be implemented for different storage backends like e.g. databases or local file systems.

The KBS config file defines which resource backend KBS will use. The default is the local file system (LocalFs).

Local File System Backend

With the local file system backend default implementation, each resource file maps to a KBS resource URL. The file path to URL conversion scheme is defined below:

Resource File Path Resource URL
file://<$(KBS_REPOSITORY_DIR)>/<repository_name>/<type>/<tag> https://<kbs_address>/kbs/v0/resource/<repository_name>/<type>/<tag>

The KBS root file system resource path is specified in the KBS config file as well, and the default value is /opt/confidential-containers/kbs/repository.

Aliyun KMS

Alibaba Cloud KMS(a.k.a Aliyun KMS) can also work as the KBS resource storage backend. In this mode, resources will be stored with generic secrets in a KMS instance. One KBS can be configured with a specified KMS instance in repository_config field of KBS launch config. These materials can be found in KMS instance’s AAP. When being accessed, a resource URI of kbs:///repo/type/tag will be translated into the generic secret with name tag. Hinting that repo/type field will be ignored.


The Pkcs11 backend uses Pkcs11 to store plaintext resources in an HSM. Pkcs11 is a broad specification supporting many cryptographic operations. Here we make use only of a small subset of these features. Often with Pkcs11 an HSM is used to wrap and unwrap keys or store wrapped keys. Here we do something simpler. Since the KBS expects resources to be in plaintext, we store these resources in the HSM as secret keys of the generic secret type. This storage backend will provision resource to the HSM in the expected way when a user uploads a resource to the KBS. The user must simply specify the location of an initialized HSM slot. Keys can also be provisioned to the HSM separately but they must have the expected attributes.

The Pkcs11 backend is configured with the following values.

  • module The module path should point to a binary implementing Pkcs11 for the HSM that you want to use. For example, if you are using SoftHSM, you might set the module path to /usr/local/lib/softhsm/
  • slot_index The slot index points to the slot in your HSM where the secrets will be stored. The slot must be initialized before starting the KBS. No slot_index is set, the first slot will be used.
  • pin The user password for authenticating a session with the above slot.
Last modified February 4, 2025: attestation: add resource guides (bd862f2)