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Key Broker Service (KBS)

This service facilitates remote attestation and secret delivery

The Confidential Containers Key Broker Service (KBS) facilitates remote attestation and secret delivery. The KBS is an implementation of a Relying Party from the Remote ATtestation ProcedureS (RATS) Architecture. The KBS itself does not validate attestation evidence. Instead, it relies on the Attestation-Service (AS) to verify TEE evidence.

In conjunction with the AS or Intel Trust Authority (ITA), the KBS supports the following TEEs:

  • AMD SEV-SNP on Azure with vTPM
  • Intel TDX
  • Intel TDX on Azure with vTPM
  • Intel SGX
  • Hygon CSV

Deployment Configurations

The KBS can be deployed in several different environments, including as part of a docker compose cluster, part of a Kubernetes cluster or without any containerization. Additionally, the KBS can interact with other attestation components in different ways. This section focuses on the different ways the KBS can interact with other components.

Background Check Mode

Background check mode is a more straightforward and simple way to configure the Key Broker Service (KBS) and Attestation-Service (AS). The term “Background Check” is from the RATS architecture. In background check mode, the KBS directly forwards the hardware evidence of a confidential guest to the AS to validate. Once the validation passes, the KBS will release secrets to the confidential guest.

flowchart LR
    AA -- attests guest --> KBS
    CDH -- requests resource ----> KBS
    subgraph Guest
        AA <.-> CDH
    subgraph Trustee
        KBS -- validates evidence --> AS

In background check mode, the KBS is the relying party and the AS is the verifier.

Passport Mode

Passport mode decouples the provisioning of resources from the validation of evidence. In background check mode these tasks are already handled by separate components, but in passport mode they are decoupled even more. The term “Passport” is from the RATS architecture.

In passport mode, there are two Key Broker Services (KBSes), one that uses a KBS to verify the evidence and a second to provision resources.

flowchart LR
    CDH -- requests resource ----> KBS2
    AA -- attests guest --> KBS1
    subgraph Guest
        CDH <.-> AA
    subgraph Trustee 1
        KBS1 -- validates evidence --> AS
    subgraph Trustee 2

In the RATS passport model the client typically connects directly to the verifier to get an attestation token (a passport). In CoCo we do not support direct connections to the AS, so KBS1 serves as an intermediary. Together KBS1 and the AS represent the verifier. KBS2 is the relying party.

Passport mode is good for use cases when resource provisioning and attestation are handled by separate entities.

1 - KBS backed by AKV

This documentation describes how to mount secrets stored in Azure Key Vault into a KBS deployment



We assume an AKS cluster configured with Workload Identity and Key Vault Secrets Provider. The former provides a KBS pod with the privileges to access an Azure Key Vault (AKV) instance. The latter is an implementation of Kubernetes’ Secret Store CSI Driver, mapping secrets from external key vaults into pods. The guides below provide instructions on how to configure a cluster accordingly:


There should be an AKV instance that has been configured with role based access control (RBAC), containing two secrets named coco_one coco_two for the purpose of the example. Find out how to configure your instance for RBAC in the guide below.

Provide access to Key Vault keys, certificates, and secrets with an Azure role-based access control

Note: You might have to toggle between Access Policy and RBAC modes to create your secrets on the CLI or via the Portal if your user doesn’t have the necessary role assignments.


While the steps describe a deployment of KBS, the configuration of a Confidential Containers environment is out of scope for this document. CoCo should be configured with KBS as a Key Broker Client (KBC) and the resulting KBS deployment should be available and configured for confidential pods.

Azure environment

Configure your Resource group, Subscription and AKS cluster name. Adjust accordingly:

export SUBSCRIPTION_ID="$(az account show --query id -o tsv)"
export RESOURCE_GROUP=my-group
export KEYVAULT_NAME=kbs-secrets
export CLUSTER_NAME=coco


Create Identity

Create a User managed identity for KBS:

az identity create --name kbs -g "$RESOURCE_GROUP"
export KBS_CLIENT_ID="$(az identity show -g "$RESOURCE_GROUP" --name kbs --query clientId -o tsv)"
export KBS_TENANT_ID=$(az aks show --name "$CLUSTER_NAME" --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP" --query identity.tenantId -o tsv)

Assign a role to access secrets:

export KEYVAULT_SCOPE=$(az keyvault show --name "$KEYVAULT_NAME" --query id -o tsv)
az role assignment create --role "Key Vault Administrator" --assignee "$KBS_CLIENT_ID" --scope "$KEYVAULT_SCOPE"


By default KBS is deployed into a coco-tenant Namespace:

export NAMESPACE=coco-tenant
kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE

KBS identity and Service Account

Workload Identity provides individual pods with IAM privileges to access Azure infrastructure resources. An azure identity is bridged to a Service Account using OIDC and Federated Credentials. Those are scoped to a Namespace, we assume we deploy the Service Account and KBS into the default Namespace, adjust accordingly if necessary.

export AKS_OIDC_ISSUER="$(az aks show --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP" --name "$CLUSTER_NAME" --query "oidcIssuerProfile.issuerUrl" -o tsv)"
az identity federated-credential create \
 --name kbsfederatedidentity \
 --identity-name kbs \
 --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP" \
 --issuer "$AKS_OIDC_ISSUER" \
 --subject "system:serviceaccount:${NAMESPACE}:kbs"

Create a Service Account object and annotate it with the identity’s client id.

cat <<EOF> service-account.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
    azure.workload.identity/client-id: ${KBS_CLIENT_ID}
  name: kbs
  namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
kubectl apply -f service-account.yaml

Secret Provider Class

A Secret Provider Class specifies a set of secrets that should be made available to k8s workloads.

cat <<EOF> secret-provider-class.yaml
kind: SecretProviderClass
  name: ${KEYVAULT_NAME}
  namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
  provider: azure
    usePodIdentity: "false"
    clientID: ${KBS_CLIENT_ID}
    keyvaultName: ${KEYVAULT_NAME}
    objects: |
      - |
        objectName: coco_one
        objectType: secret
      - |
        objectName: coco_two
        objectType: secret
    tenantId: ${KBS_TENANT_ID}
kubectl create -f secret-provider-class.yaml

Deploy KBS

The default KBS deployment needs to be extended with label annotations and CSI volume. The secrets are mounted into the storage hierarchy default/akv.

git clone
cd kbs
git checkout v0.8.2
cd kbs/config/kubernetes
mkdir akv
cat <<EOF> akv/kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
namespace: coco-tenant

- ../base

- path: patch.yaml
    group: apps
    kind: Deployment
    name: kbs
    version: v1
cat <<EOF> akv/patch.yaml
- op: add
  path: /spec/template/metadata/labels/azure.workload.identity~1use
  value: "true"
- op: add
  path: /spec/template/spec/serviceAccountName
  value: kbs
- op: add
  path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/-
    name: secrets
    mountPath: /opt/confidential-containers/kbs/repository/default/akv
    readOnly: true
- op: add
  path: /spec/template/spec/volumes/-
    name: secrets
      readOnly: true
        secretProviderClass: ${KEYVAULT_NAME}
kubectl apply -k akv/


The KBS pod should be running, the pod events should give indication of possible errors. From a confidential pod the AKV secrets should be retrievable via Confidential Data Hub:

$ kubectl exec -it deploy/nginx-coco -- curl
a secret