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Attestation Service (AS)

This service verifies TEE evidence

The Attestation Service (AS or CoCo-AS) verifies hardware evidence. The AS was designed to be used with the Key Broker Service (KBS) for Confidential Containers, but it can be used in a wide variety of situations. The AS can be used anytime TEE evidence needs to be validated.

Today, the AS can validate evidence from the following TEEs:

  • Intel TDX
  • Intel SGX
  • Hygon CSV
  • Intel TDX with vTPM on Azure
  • AMD SEV-SNP with vTPM on Azure


   ┌───────────────────────┐ Evidence    │  Attestation Service              │                     
   │                       ├────────────►│                                   │                     
   │ Verification Demander │             │ ┌───────────┐┌──────────────────┐ │                     
   │    (Such as KBS)      │             │ │┌────────┐ ││ Reference Value  │◄┼────Reference Value  
   │                       │◄────────────┤ ││ Policy │ ││ Provider Service │ │                     
   └───────────────────────┘ Attestation │ ││ Engine │ │└──────────────────┘ │                     
                           Results Token │ │└────────┘ │                     │                     
                                         │ │Attestation│                     │                     
                                         │ │   Token   │  ┌────────────────┐ │                     
                                         │ │  Broker   │  │Verifier Drivers│ │                     
                                         │ └───────────┘  └────────────────┘ │                     

The Attestation Service (AS) has a simple API. It receives attestation evidence and returns an attestation token containing the results of a two-step verification process. The AS can be consumed directly as a Rust crate (library) or built as a standalone service, exposing a REST or gRPC API. In Confidential Containers, the client of the AS is the Key Broker Service (KBS), but the evidence originates from the Attestation Agent inside the guest.

The AS has a two-step verification process.

  1. Verify the format and provenance of evidence itself (e.g. check the signature of the evidence).
  2. Appraise the claims presented in the evidence (e.g. check that measurements match reference values).

The first step is accomplished by one of the platform-specific Verifier Drivers. The second step is driven by the Attestation Token Broker with help from the Reference Value Provider Service (RVPS).

1 - Quick Start

Quick Start to deploy the Attestation Service

For the latest deployment document, please refer to the CoCoAS github page.

The CoCoAS supports different APIs. Now we have gRPC version and RESTful version.


Quick Start and Test

Users can use a community version of gRPC CoCoAS image to deploy quickly.

# run gRPC CoCoAS server locally
docker run -d \
  -v <path-to-attestation-service>/docs/sgx_default_qcnl.conf:/etc/sgx_default_qcnl.conf \ # this qcnl config is used when verifying SGX/TDX quotes
  -p 50004:50004 \ \

The sgx_default_qcnl.conf configures the PCS (Provisioning Certification Service) / PCCS (Provisioning Certification Cache Service) of Intel platforms. If you want to verify SGX/TDX quotes, please refer to the Intel Platform Configuration section.

We can use a sample gRPC client to test the gRPC API using the following test request body.

    "tee": "snp",
    "policy_ids": []

and the protobuf definition file declared in API section

# Use the following cmdline to install grpcurl
# go install

REQ=$(cat <path-to-request>)
grpcurl \
  -plaintext \
  -import-path <path-to-parent-directory-of-proto-file> \
  -proto <path-to-proto-file> \
  -d @ attestation.AttestationService/AttestationEvaluate <<EOF

Then you can see a token looking like the following



The API of gRPC CoCo-AS is defined by the following proto file

syntax = "proto3";

package attestation;

message AttestationRequest {
    // TEE enum. Specify the evidence type
    string tee = 1;

    // Base64 encoded evidence. The alphabet is URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.
    // defined in
    string evidence = 2;

    // Runtime Data used to check the binding relationship with report data in
    // Evidence
    oneof runtime_data {
        // Base64 encoded runtime data slice. The whole string will be base64
        // decoded. The result one will then be accumulated into a digest which
        // is used as the expected runtime data to check against the one inside
        // evidence.
        // The alphabet is URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.
        // defined in
        string raw_runtime_data = 3;

        // Runtime data in a JSON map. CoCoAS will rearrange each layer of the
        // data JSON object in dictionary order by key, then serialize and output
        // it into a compact string, and perform hash calculation on the whole
        // to check against the one inside evidence.
        // After the verification, the structured runtime data field will be included
        // inside the token claims.
        string structured_runtime_data = 4;

    // Init Data used to check the binding relationship with init data in
    // Evidence
    oneof init_data {
        // Base64 encoded init data slice. The whole string will be base64
        // decoded. The result one will then be accumulated into a digest which
        // is used as the expected init data to check against the one inside
        // evidence.
        // The alphabet is URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.
        // defined in
        string raw_init_data = 5;

        // Init data in a JSON map. CoCoAS will rearrange each layer of the
        // data JSON object in dictionary order by key, then serialize and output
        // it into a compact string, and perform hash calculation on the whole
        // to check against the one inside evidence.
        // After the verification, the structured init data field will be included
        // inside the token claims.
        string structured_init_data = 6;

    // Hash algorithm used to calculate runtime data. Currently can be "sha256",
    // "sha384" or "sha512". If not specified, "sha384" will be selected.
    string runtime_data_hash_algorithm = 7;

    // Hash algorithm used to calculate init data. Currently can be "sha256",
    // "sha384" or "sha512". If not specified, "sha384" will be selected.
    string init_data_hash_algorithm = 8;

    // List of IDs of the policy used to check evidence. If not provided,
    // a "default" one will be used.
    repeated string policy_ids = 9;

message AttestationResponse {
    string attestation_token = 1;

message SetPolicyRequest {
    string policy_id = 1;
    string policy = 2;
message SetPolicyResponse {}

message ChallengeRequest {
    // ChallengeRequest uses HashMap to pass variables like:
    // tee, tee_params etc
    map<string, string> inner = 1;
message ChallengeResponse {
    string attestation_challenge = 1;

service AttestationService {
    rpc AttestationEvaluate(AttestationRequest) returns (AttestationResponse) {};
    rpc SetAttestationPolicy(SetPolicyRequest) returns (SetPolicyResponse) {};
    rpc GetAttestationChallenge(ChallengeRequest) returns (ChallengeResponse) {};
    // Get the GetPolicyRequest.user and GetPolicyRequest.tee specified Policy(.rego)


Quick Start and Test

Users can use a community version of restful CoCoAS image to verify attestation reports.

# run restful CoCoAS server locally
docker run -d \
  -v <path-to-attestation-service>/docs/sgx_default_qcnl.conf:/etc/sgx_default_qcnl.conf \ # this qcnl config is used when verifying SGX/TDX quotes
  -p 8080:8080 \ \

The sgx_default_qcnl.conf configures the PCS (Provisioning Certification Service) / PCCS (Provisioning Certification Cache Service) of Intel platforms. If you want to verify SGX/TDX quotes, please refer to the Intel Platform Configuration section.

We can use curl to test the RESTful API using the same request body declared in the gRPC part.

cd <path-to-attestation-service>
curl -k -X POST \
     -i \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d @tests/coco-as/request.json

Then, a token will be retrieved as HTTP response body like



RESTful CoCo-AS’s endpoints are as following:

  • /attestation: receives evidence verification request. The request POST payload is like
    "tee": "sgx", // tee type.
    "evidence": "YWFhCg==...", // base64 encoded evidence in URL SAFE NO PAD,
    "runtime_data": {           // `runtime_data` is optional. If given, the runtime data binding will
                                // be checked.
                                // The field `raw` and `structured` are exclusive.
        "raw": "YWFhCg==...",   // Base64 encoded runtime data slice. The whole string will be base64
                                // decoded. The result one will then be accumulated into a digest which
                                // is used as the expected runtime data to check against the one inside
                                // evidence.
                                // The alphabet is URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.
                                // defined in
        "structured": {}        // Runtime data in a JSON map. CoCoAS will rearrange each layer of the
                                // data JSON object in dictionary order by key, then serialize and output
                                // it into a compact string, and perform hash calculation on the whole
                                // to check against the one inside evidence. The hash algorithm is defined
                                // by `runtime_data_hash_algorithm`.
                                // After the verification, the structured runtime data field will be included
                                // inside the token claims.
    "init_data": {              // `init_data` is optional. If given, the init data binding will
                                // be checked.
                                // The field `raw` and `structured` are exclusive.
        "raw": "YWFhCg==...",   // Base64 encoded init data slice. The whole string will be base64
                                // decoded. The result one will then be accumulated into a digest which
                                // is used as the expected init data to check against the one inside
                                // evidence. The hash algorithm is defined by `init_data_hash_algorithm`.
                                // The alphabet is URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.
                                // defined in
        "structured": {}        // Init data in a JSON map. CoCoAS will rearrange each layer of the
                                // data JSON object in dictionary order by key, then serialize and output
                                // it into a compact string, and perform hash calculation on the whole
                                // to check against the one inside evidence.
                                // After the verification, the structured init data field will be included
                                // inside the token claims.
    "runtime_data_hash_algorithm": "sha384",// Hash algorithm used to calculate runtime data. Currently can be 
                                            // "sha256", "sha384" or "sha512". If not specified, "sha384" will be selected.
    "init_data_hash_algorithm": "sha384",   // Hash algorithm used to calculate init data. Currently can be 
                                            // "sha256", "sha384" or "sha512". If not specified, "sha384" will be selected.
    "policy_ids": ["default", "policy-1"]           // List of IDs of the policy used to check evidence. If
                                                    // not provided, a "default" one will be used.
  • /policy: receives policy setting request. The request POST payload is like
    "type": "rego",         // policy type
    "policy_id": "yyyyy",   // raw string of policy id
    "policy": "xxxxx"       // base64 encoded policy content

Launch Configuration

For both gRPC and RESTful version CoCoAS, you can use the -c parameter to specify the path of the configuration file.

The configuration file is a JSON file.

The following properties can be set globally, i.e. not under any configuration section:

Property Type Description Required Default
work_dir String The location for Attestation Service to store data. False Firstly try to read from ENV AS_WORK_DIR. If not any, use /opt/confidential-containers/attestation-service
rvps_config RVPSConfiguration RVPS configuration False -
attestation_token_broker AttestationTokeBroker Attestation result token configuration. False -


Property Type Description Required Default
type String Type of token to issue (Ear or Simple) No Ear

When type field is set to Ear, the following extra properties can be set:

Property Type Description Required Default
duration_min Integer Duration of the attestation result token in minutes. No 5
issuer_name String Issuer name of the attestation result token. No CoCo-Attestation-Service
developer_name String The developer name to be used as part of the Verifier ID in the EAR No
build_name String The build name to be used as part of the Verifier ID in the EAR No Automatically generated from Cargo package and AS version
profile_name String The Profile that describes the EAR token No,2024:confidential-containers/Trustee`
policy_dir String The path to the work directory that contains policies to provision the tokens. No /opt/confidential-containers/attestation-service/token/ear/policies
signer TokenSignerConfig Signing material of the attestation result token. No None

When type field is set to Simple, the following extra properties can be set:

Property Type Description Required Default
duration_min Integer Duration of the attestation result token in minutes. No 5
issuer_name String Issuer name of the attestation result token. No CoCo-Attestation-Service
policy_dir String The path to the work directory that contains policies to provision the tokens. No /opt/confidential-containers/attestation-service/token//simple/policies
signer TokenSignerConfig Signing material of the attestation result token. No None

This section is optional. When omitted, a new RSA key pair is generated and used.

Property Type Description Required Default
key_path String RSA Key Pair file (PEM format) path. Yes -
cert_url String RSA Public Key certificate chain (PEM format) URL. No -
cert_path String RSA Public Key certificate chain (PEM format) file path. No -

RVPS Configuration

Property Type Description Required Default
type String It can be either BuiltIn (Built-In RVPS) or GrpcRemote (connect to a remote gRPC RVPS) No BuiltIn
BuiltIn RVPS

If type is set to BuiltIn, the following extra properties can be set

Property Type Description Required Default
store_type String The underlying storage type of RVPS. (LocalFs or LocalJson) No LocalFs
store_config JSON Map The optional configurations to the underlying storage. No Null

Different store_type will have different store_config items.

For LocalFs, the following properties can be set

Property Type Description Required Default
file_path String The path to the directory storing reference values No /opt/confidential-containers/attestation-service/reference_values

For LocalJson, the following properties can be set

Property Type Description Required Default
file_path String The path to the file that storing reference values No /opt/confidential-containers/attestation-service/reference_values.json
Remote RVPS

If type is set to GrpcRemote, the following extra properties can be set

Property Type Description Required Default
address String Remote address of the RVPS server No

Configuration Examples

Running with a built-in RVPS:

    "work_dir": "/var/lib/attestation-service/",
    "policy_engine": "opa",
    "rvps_config": {
        "type": "BuiltIn",
        "store_type": "LocalFs",
        "store_config": {
            "file_path": "/var/lib/attestation-service/reference-values"
    "attestation_token_broker": {
        "type": "Ear",
        "duration_min": 5

Running with a remote RVPS:

    "work_dir": "/var/lib/attestation-service/",
    "policy_engine": "opa",
    "rvps_config": {
        "type": "GrpcRemote",
        "address": ""
    "attestation_token_broker": {
	"type": "Ear",
        "duration_min": 5

Configurations for token signer

    "work_dir": "/var/lib/attestation-service/",
    "policy_engine": "opa",
    "rvps_config": {
        "type": "GrpcRemote",
        "address": ""
    "attestation_token_broker": {
	"type": "Ear",
        "duration_min": 5,
        "issuer_name": "some-body",
        "signer": {
            "key_path": "/etc/coco-as/signer.key",
            "cert_url": "",
            "cert_path": "/etc/coco-as/"


Intel Platform Configuration

A workable file which will directly connect to Intel’s PCS without caching is given.

{"collateral_service": ""}

This can be used for test. Users are expected to set the file to connect to another available PCCS which keeps cache. PCCS are usually supported by cloud providers, you can find the steps to configure /etc/sgx_default_qcnl.conf for